Monday, August 11, 2008

Day Six - Bringing it all together

Wow!.....if you have ever worked on a blog, this is truly amazing! There is some new software out there that will setup your WordPress blog and work with you on keeping it all updated and maintained. Now, I've only used Blogger before (hence the location of this blog) and while I like it, understand it, etc. you've got to admit that the template themes are just a little basic. I've tried WordPress in the past but got a bit confused at first and then HTML/Java  wouldn't work for me so I said, "Heck with it!" and went back to Blogger.

However, with WordPress Direct it's super easy! I just filled out some basic information about what I wanted, and searched through 70 pages of templates (that's around 700 templates) - several of them helped inspire some new ideas too...hmm....

Anyway, our tasks for Day Six of the Thirty Day Challenge were to get the blog set up, add one affiliate product, and one article.

Here is the site for my blog:

I went with having the site hosted by WordPress Direct as it was free. If, at the end of this month, I decide to keep this up and really go wild with this, I'll buy my own domain name and hosting. Until then, let's invest nothing but time and see if there really is a market.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

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